Basse-Meuse Développement

Basse-Meuse Développement

rue du Roi Albert 127



"How are you connected with the Jeker valley?"

Since 2005, asbl Basse-Meuse développement has been the economic and territorial development agency for the towns and municipalities of Basse-Meuse: Herstal - Oupeye - Visé - Bassenge - Blegny - Dalhem - Juprelle. In addition, BMD represents more than 100 economic players - companies and institutions - in the Basse-Meuse and Liège region.

The Jeker River flows through this area and BMD is developing the heterogeneity of the area in terms of: businesses, crafts and local products.

"What's important to you about the Jeker Valley?"

The Jeker rises in our region and is thus part of the ecosystem we care for as an agency for economic and territorial development.